Genre Conventions
After looking at a variety of film
openings I have seen many of the key genres and conventions of those genres in
film openings. This should give me a good understanding and help with ideas for
what will need to be in our own opening to make it appeal to the audience for
the genre we pick.
Horror - Scream
Scream establishes its genre with
the dark isolated setting with a stereotypical blonde female at home alone at
night. There is little non-diegetic or diegetic sound so that the minimal
ambient noises can establish suspense. Every noise is emphasised and made to be
sudden to offset or unsettle the audience.
The phone call voice is made to
sound gruff and eerie and close ups are used on items such as the knife and
oven as a convention of horror and establishes a threat before anything even
happens. There is also an obvious give away of the genre with the title 'Scream' in red text and blood.
Horror films will always feature
many convention of their genre in the opening. Other examples of common or
stereotypical themes may be dark woods, blood or frightening creatures, ghosts
or killers.
Action - Casino Royale
Much of the opening hints towards
the main character getting into a lot of action during the film fighting
multiple characters. A fast pace is given to the film from the very beginning
to go along with the action genre.
There is dramatic music over the
top of the opening titles fitting to the action sequences.
Most action films will include a
lot of key icons to their genre in the openings. They need to start as the film
intends to go on with an abundance of explosions, guns, cars and such depending
on the style of the film.
Thriller - The Silence of the Lambs
Thrillers can take a variety of
conventions to use in their openings depending on the subjects of the film.
Silence of the Lambs establishes a random woodland setting/police training
ground. It doesn’t give away much until later on to make the audience question
what is happening or what might happen next. This theme should continue
throughout the entire film.
The theme of police or detective investigations is suggested with the newspaper articles and
photos. This also establishes the thriller genre, with elements of crime drama
and neo noir, as the audience are being shown controversial topics to think
about from the start but not very much information about the story of the film.
Thrillers are made to make people
think and question what they are watching. The openings of thrillers will
include some key elements or themes to the film as they can cover a wide
variety of topics, they need to establish the subject.
Will always show many elements of
love in the opening, with common themes of weddings, dates, hearts, red, pink
and more. One or both of the main characters may be established and will often
focus on one of the main characters lives’ and give the audience a vision into their
world or worlds to allow for that to change when they meet their love.
Comedy - The Pink Panther
The Pink Panther uses animations
for a more random and amusing opening. A sequence of random slapstick style
chases ensue between the established animated version of the main character and
the pink panther which is represented as a real pink panther rather than the
jewel as in the actual narrative.
The opening animation is very
colourful and vibrant to reflect the light heartedness of the film. The
animations themselves are similar to that of cartoons to again establish a
comedic genre.
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